Welcome to the world of Vyga News! A novel concept that throws open before you an entirely new horizon in the media space, Vyga News debuts as a complete news portal, unique and fresh in all respects.
Vyga News rides the minds of the netizen, taking him to unseen pastures. News is what drives us. Every desire is catered to, enabling users get more from news breaks, take the speed track to tech innovations, indulge in life’s most desirable moments, try out fashion trends that set ramps on fire, shop online, and tickle taste buds to the most appetizing spread served on a platter – all at the click of a mouse.
www.vyganews.com is the first Government accredited news portal in Kerala. The legendary Malayalam laureate Mr. MT Vasudevan Nair lead Vyganews.com to the cyber space on 2009 March 15.
The portal, vyganews.com, offers daily news, online music, video, e-shopping, games, contests, vyga mail and chat zones.
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Editor in Chief
K. B Ajay
Associate Editor
Somu Jacob
News Editors
Deepthy GH
KB Suchitra
Special Correspondents
Abhinand (New Delhi)
Principal Correspondents
Sidharth Sreenivas (Thiruvananthapuram)
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Foreign Correspondents
M. Rakhi (USA)
Mathew K Thomas (Bahrain)
Prabhakaran Pillai. N (Muscat)
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Deepak Nambiar
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